Tuesday 19 September 2023

Thursday 14 September 2023

"The Importance of Recycling" - Persuasive Essay


Introduction: Recycling is not just a simple act; it's a crucial step towards preserving our planet. In a world where resources are limited and environmental issues are escalating, the importance of recycling cannot be overstated.

Body: Recycling helps conserve valuable resources by reusing materials like paper, plastic, glass, and metals. When we recycle, we reduce the need for raw materials, which in turn lessens the strain on our forests, oceans, and ecosystems. By giving products a second life, we extend their usefulness and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Moreover, recycling plays a pivotal role in reducing pollution. When waste is disposed of improperly, it often ends up in landfills or oceans, releasing harmful chemicals and contributing to the degradation of our environment. Recycling not only reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills but also minimizes the energy and emissions associated with creating new products from scratch.

Recycling isn't just an individual effort; it's a collective responsibility. Communities, businesses, and governments all play a role in implementing effective recycling programs. By participating, we show our commitment to caring for the planet and passing on a healthier world to future generations.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the importance of recycling cannot be overlooked. It's a pathway towards conserving resources, reducing pollution, and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. Each time we recycle, we make a positive impact on our environment and contribute to a better future for ourselves and the generations to come. Let's embrace recycling as a responsibility and a privilege, as a way to demonstrate our love for our planet and the people who inhabit it.

Top of Form


Tuesday 5 September 2023

Modal Auxiliaries Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal auxiliary (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, or would):

  1. Jane: "I'm not sure if I __________ attend the party on Saturday." Tom: "You __________ definitely come if you're free."
  2. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I __________ be happy to help.
  3. David: "I __________ to finish this report by tomorrow." Sarah: "I think you __________ work late if necessary."
  4. It's raining outside. You __________ take an umbrella with you if you go out.
  5. If I __________ the CEO, I __________ implement some changes in the company.
  6. Susan: "__________ I borrow your pen for a moment?" Mark: "Of course, here you go."
  7. We __________ be ready to leave in 15 minutes, so please get ready.
  8. They __________ consider buying a new car if their old one keeps breaking down.
  9. If you don't study regularly, you __________ struggle to pass the exam.
  10. She __________ like to visit Paris someday, but she's not sure when.
  11. John __________ help you with your math homework if you ask him nicely.
  12. If I had more time, I __________ learn to play the guitar.
  13. You __________ always double-check your work to avoid mistakes.
  14. They __________ attend the conference next week if their schedules permit.
  15. We __________ be able to make it to the party if we finish work on time.

Conditional Sentences Practice

Exercise: Conditional Sentences (Type 1 and Type 2)

Part 1: Type 1 Conditional Sentences

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

  1. If I _______________ (have) enough time tomorrow, I will go to the library.
  2. She will buy the concert tickets if the price _______________ (not be) too high.
  3. If you _______________ (study) hard, you will pass the exam.
  4. I will call you as soon as I _______________ (get) home.
  5. If it _______________ (rain) later, we can stay indoors and watch a movie.

Part 2: Type 2 Conditional Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences in Type 2 conditional form:

  1. If he arrives late, he will miss the bus.
  2. She will visit her grandmother if she has the time.
  3. If they invite us to the party, we will attend.
  4. If it is hot outside, we will go for a swim.
  5. He will come to the meeting if he finishes his work on time.


Monday 4 September 2023

King Bruce and The Spider


I ain't bored of being HOME ALONED, 

last night had conversation with spider and found out that it too is a WEB DESIGNER 

Past Tense Practice

 Exercise: Fill in the Blanks

Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the appropriate past tense form (past simple, past continuous, past perfect, or past perfect continuous).

Last weekend, I (1. have) a fantastic time. On Saturday morning, I (2. wake) up early and (3. start) baking cookies. While I (4. mix) the dough, my friends (5. call) and said they (6. want) to come over. So, I (7. quickly clean) the house before they (8. arrive). By the time they (9. get) to my place, I (10. already bake) a dozen cookies. We (11. spend) the entire afternoon chatting and munching on cookies. Later, we (12. watch) a movie together. When they (13. leave), I (14. realize) that it (15. be) one of the best weekends I (16. ever have).


Story completion

Once upon a time, in a small village, there (1. be) a curious boy named Tim. One day, he (2. find) an old, dusty book in his grandmother's attic. As he (3. flip) through the pages, he (4. discover) a hidden map. The map (5. lead) to a mysterious treasure buried deep in the forest. Excited, Tim (6. gather) his friends, and they (7. set) off on an adventure.

While they (8. walk) through the dense forest, the sun (9. shine) brightly, and the birds (10. sing) merrily. Suddenly, they (11. come) across a river blocking their path. Tim, who (12. learn) to swim, (13. decide) to cross it. He (14. dive) in while his friends (15. watch) anxiously from the bank.

As Tim (16. swim) to the other side, he (17. notice) a cave hidden behind a waterfall. Curiosity (18. get) the better of him, and he (19. enter) the cave. Inside, he (20. find) a chest covered in dust and cobwebs. It (21. be) the treasure they had been searching for all along!

Present Tense Practice

 Read the following paragraph carefully and complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate present tense (present indefinite, present continuous, present perfect, or present perfect continuous).


1)      Maria _____ (love) to read books. Currently, she _____ (read) an exciting mystery novel. Over the past month, she _____ (finish) five different books. Lately, she _____ (enjoy) crime novels the most. Every evening, she _____ (sit) in her favorite chair and _____ (read) for hours. Maria will continue this habit because reading _____ (bring) her immense joy.


2)      Alia _____ (love) pizza, and she _____ (often eat) it for dinner. Right now, she _____  (sit) in her favorite pizzeria, and she _____  (order) a large pepperoni pizza. Over the years, she _____  (try) various toppings, but pepperoni is her all-time favorite. Jessica's friend, Lisa, _____  (join) her today. Lisa _____ (not have) pizza in a long time, so she _____  (look forward to) this meal. As they wait for their order, they _____  (talk) and _____  (laugh) together. By the time they _____  (finish) eating, they _____  (spend) a great evening together.


3)      Every morning, Sarah _____  (wake up) at 7:00 AM. She _____  (start) her day with a cup of coffee and some toast. Currently, she _____  (study) for her upcoming science exam, and she _____  (find) the subject fascinating. Over the past year, she _____  (read) several books on various scientific topics. Right now, her brother, Alex, _____  ( watch) TV in the living room. He _____  (watch) a nature documentary and _____  (learn) about different animal species. By the time Sarah _____  (finish) studying, Alex _____  (watch) TV for hours.

Chasing Dreams Class IX

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