Monday 4 September 2023

Present Tense Practice

 Read the following paragraph carefully and complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate present tense (present indefinite, present continuous, present perfect, or present perfect continuous).


1)      Maria _____ (love) to read books. Currently, she _____ (read) an exciting mystery novel. Over the past month, she _____ (finish) five different books. Lately, she _____ (enjoy) crime novels the most. Every evening, she _____ (sit) in her favorite chair and _____ (read) for hours. Maria will continue this habit because reading _____ (bring) her immense joy.


2)      Alia _____ (love) pizza, and she _____ (often eat) it for dinner. Right now, she _____  (sit) in her favorite pizzeria, and she _____  (order) a large pepperoni pizza. Over the years, she _____  (try) various toppings, but pepperoni is her all-time favorite. Jessica's friend, Lisa, _____  (join) her today. Lisa _____ (not have) pizza in a long time, so she _____  (look forward to) this meal. As they wait for their order, they _____  (talk) and _____  (laugh) together. By the time they _____  (finish) eating, they _____  (spend) a great evening together.


3)      Every morning, Sarah _____  (wake up) at 7:00 AM. She _____  (start) her day with a cup of coffee and some toast. Currently, she _____  (study) for her upcoming science exam, and she _____  (find) the subject fascinating. Over the past year, she _____  (read) several books on various scientific topics. Right now, her brother, Alex, _____  ( watch) TV in the living room. He _____  (watch) a nature documentary and _____  (learn) about different animal species. By the time Sarah _____  (finish) studying, Alex _____  (watch) TV for hours.

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