Tuesday 5 September 2023

Modal Auxiliaries Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal auxiliary (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, or would):

  1. Jane: "I'm not sure if I __________ attend the party on Saturday." Tom: "You __________ definitely come if you're free."
  2. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I __________ be happy to help.
  3. David: "I __________ to finish this report by tomorrow." Sarah: "I think you __________ work late if necessary."
  4. It's raining outside. You __________ take an umbrella with you if you go out.
  5. If I __________ the CEO, I __________ implement some changes in the company.
  6. Susan: "__________ I borrow your pen for a moment?" Mark: "Of course, here you go."
  7. We __________ be ready to leave in 15 minutes, so please get ready.
  8. They __________ consider buying a new car if their old one keeps breaking down.
  9. If you don't study regularly, you __________ struggle to pass the exam.
  10. She __________ like to visit Paris someday, but she's not sure when.
  11. John __________ help you with your math homework if you ask him nicely.
  12. If I had more time, I __________ learn to play the guitar.
  13. You __________ always double-check your work to avoid mistakes.
  14. They __________ attend the conference next week if their schedules permit.
  15. We __________ be able to make it to the party if we finish work on time.

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