Tuesday 22 August 2023

"A Day at the Amusement Park" - Narrative Essay

Introduction: One sunny morning, my friends and I embarked on a thrilling adventure to an amusement park. The excitement was palpable as we stepped through the gates, ready for a day of fun and laughter.

Body: As we explored the park, the vibrant sights and sounds enveloped us. The joyful screams of people on roller coasters echoed in the air, and the enticing aroma of cotton candy filled our noses. We couldn't resist the allure of the rides, each one promising a unique experience.

Our hearts raced as we soared through the air on the roller coasters, our laughter mixing with the wind. The dizzying spins of the teacup ride left us in fits of giggles, and the log flume offered a refreshing splash in the scorching heat.

But the highlight of the day was the towering Ferris wheel. As we ascended to the top, the view was breathtaking. We could see the entire park below, a colorful tapestry of rides and attractions. At that moment, we felt on top of the world, our worries forgotten.

Conclusion: As the day drew to a close, we gathered for a final round of games and treats. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the park. Our hearts were full, and our faces wore the satisfied smiles of a day well spent. The memories we made that day, the laughter and the thrills, would forever hold a special place in our hearts. Our day at the amusement park was a reminder of the joy that comes from embracing adventure and sharing moments of pure happiness with friends.


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Sunday 20 August 2023

"Sunset Over the Ocean" - Descriptive Essay


Introduction: As the day began to draw to a close, a remarkable sight unfolded before my eyes - a sunset over the ocean. The sky was like a canvas splashed with colors, inviting me to witness nature's breathtaking show. I couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty and serenity that lay ahead.

Body: The sun, a brilliant ball of fire, started to sink toward the horizon. As it descended, the sky transformed into a captivating blend of warm oranges, gentle pinks, and soothing purples. These colors spread like a gentle brushstroke, creating a panorama that seemed almost otherworldly.

The waves of the ocean seemed to dance in tune with the changing sky. Each wave caught the shimmering light, turning into a cascade of sparkles that stretched far and wide. The water, once a deep blue, now shimmered with shades that mirrored the sunset's brilliance.

As the sun lowered, it cast long shadows over the water, as if painting a golden path on the sea's surface. Seagulls glided gracefully in the fading light, their silhouettes adding to the serene atmosphere. The air was filled with a sense of calm, as if nature itself paused to appreciate this magical moment.

Conclusion: As the sun finally dipped below the horizon, a soft and tranquil glow remained, enveloping the ocean in a warm embrace. Though the col
ors faded, the memory of the sunset's beauty lingered. This experience reminded me of the wonders of the natural world and the simple joys that life offers. The sunset over the ocean was a reminder that nature is an artist, capable of painting the sky with colors that stir the heart and soothe the soul.

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Essay Writing (Tips, Types, Sample)

Essays are written pieces of work that present an author's viewpoint, argument, analysis, or interpretation of a subject. There are several types of essays, each with its own purpose, structure, and characteristics. Here are some common types of essays along with examples:

  1. Narrative Essay: This type of essay tells a story and is usually written in the first person. It aims to engage the reader by sharing a personal experience or event.
    Example: "A Day at the Amusement Park"

  1. Descriptive Essay: Descriptive essays focus on providing vivid sensory details to create a clear picture of a person, place, object, or experience.
    Example: "Sunset Over the Ocean"

  1. Expository Essay: Expository essays aim to explain or inform by presenting factual information, defining terms, providing explanations, or offering a step-by-step analysis.
    Example: "The Process of Photosynthesis"

  1. Persuasive Essay: Persuasive essays are meant to convince the reader to adopt the author's point of view by presenting arguments and supporting evidence.
    Example: "The Importance of Recycling"

  1. Argumentative Essay: Similar to persuasive essays, argumentative essays present arguments, but they also acknowledge opposing viewpoints and provide counterarguments to strengthen the author's position.
    Example: "Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?"

  1. Compare and Contrast Essay: This essay type involves analyzing the similarities and differences between two or more subjects to showcase their relationships.
    Example: "A Comparison of Two Major Religions: Christianity and Islam"

  1. Cause and Effect Essay: Cause and effect essays explore the reasons behind an event or phenomenon and the consequences that result from it.
    Example: "Causes and Effects of Air Pollution"

  1. Process Essay: Process essays detail a series of steps required to achieve a particular outcome or complete a task.
    Example: "How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Cake"

  1. Definition Essay: Definition essays provide an in-depth explanation of a specific term, concept, or idea. They often combine analysis and personal interpretation.
    Example: "The Meaning of Friendship in a Digital Age"

  1. Literary Analysis Essay: Literary analysis essays delve into the interpretation and analysis of a literary work, such as a novel, poem, or short story.
    Example: "Symbolism in 'The Great Gatsby'"

  1. Critical Essay: Critical essays involve a comprehensive evaluation of a subject, often a work of art or literature, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses.
    Example: "A Critical Analysis of Picasso's 'Guernica'"

  1. Personal Essay: Personal essays reflect the author's thoughts, feelings, and experiences, often presenting introspective insights and reflections.
    Example: "Lessons I Learned from a Summer Abroad"

These are just a few examples of the many types of essays you might encounter. Each type has its own unique purpose and structure, but they all serve as valuable tools for expressing ideas, communicating information, and engaging readers.


Wednesday 9 August 2023

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai

Kindly click on the link below to access the file.

👉👉👉Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai👈👈👈 

Sunday 6 August 2023

The Last sermon of Holy Prophet (SAWW)

👉👉👉 The Last sermon of Holy Prophet (SAWW) ðŸ‘ˆðŸ‘ˆðŸ‘ˆ

The Wise Caliph Q/A

The Wise Caliph👈👈👈

The Voice of God

 Poem VOICE OF GOD is composed by Louis I Newman.