Don't copy all the options, only write the correct one in your copy. If correct option is not given wrote your own.
Don't copy all the options, only write the correct one in your copy. If correct option is not given wrote your own.
There was a huge explosion and the fragments of the ship spread everywhere. The entire ship along with its mast, helm and pennon was lost but the noblest thing that perished was the brave young boy Casablanca.
List of Essays
My First Day in School
Role of Media in a Democracy
Cell Phones
Global Warming
A Road Accident
A Hot Summer Day
A Prize Distribution Function
My Ambition in Life
Science in the Modern World
Environmental Pollution
Importance of Sports and Games
Health is Wealth
Terrorism in Pakistan
Try to write your own by your own :)
Imagine you are on a visit to some village fair, fascinate all other activities you could enjoy and are not mentioned in lesson.
(100-120 words)